Princesas Disney entran al universo marvel
Fuente: Marvel/Disney/WipyTv

Todos alguna vez hemos pensado que ciertos personajes de las distintas franquicias que existen, deberían unirse en diferentes crossovers, los cuales sin duda alcanzarían un éxito inmediato si es que se saben aprovechar, y es que ¿Quién no ha imaginado ver que las Princesas Disney entran al universo Marvel?

Ahora, gracias al artista Marcus Williams, ya no tenemos que imaginarlo más, ya que se ha encargado de convertir a las distintas princesas Disney en miembros de X-Men, y debemos decir que el resultado es extremadamente bueno, tanto que deseamos que en un futuro Disney lo haga realidad.

La primera imagen que este artista nos presenta, ubica a la princesa Merida junto a Cyclops y Banshee, con sus característicos trajes amarillos, el cual hace lucir con más estilo a este personaje de Disney, que sigue portando su inseparable arco.


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The next team up in my Fan fiction, “X-Men Princesses” is Merida, Cyclops, and Banshee. Filled with overflowing curiosity and wonder over this amazing futuristic landscape, Merida could hardly contain her excitement as she was led on a tour of the X-mansion. With her trusty bow in hand, she attempts to ask her tour guide where the practicing range might be located, but soon realizes that her thick Scottish accent fell upon confused ears. Thankfully, Sean Cassidy (a.k.a. Banshee, who is Irish) happened to overhear Merida struggling to communicate, and swooped in to lend a familiar ear. After a warm introduction, the two arrived at the Danger Room, where Sean promised a practice session like nothing she’s ever seen before. Just as Merida was readying her arrows, Scott Summers quietly entered the room asking if it was alright if he joined in her practice session. With a quick nod from Merida and confirmation from Sean, the walls of the room quickly melted away revealing the hills and grasslands of old Scotland, complete with rolling forest and the distant sounds of ocean waves crashing against rocky shores. Merida’s eyes beamed with wonder as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Cyclops softly smiled to himself before quietly saying, “Your hair reminds me of someone I use to know”. Merida could only pause in wonder as Cyclops motioned to the sky to warn of the oncoming threat. The red-hot glow of his visor began to radiate before releasing a pulsing blast of energy at an enormous dragon rocketing downwards towards the two. Before the blast could hit it’s target, Merida rolled under the shade of a nearby tree and let fly a flurry of arrows in the same direction. Both Sean and Scott smiled looking on in admiration. The thunder of battle shook the halls of the mansion as the fight roared on. More to come. Peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

El segundo equipo lo conforma la princesa Tiana, Gambit y Rogue, los cuales lucen un aire despreocupado, pero sin perder el estilo que los caracteriza.


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The next trio team for my Fan Fiction “X-Men Princesses” is the Southern crew featuring Tiana, Gambit, and Rogue. Let’s just say with so many lovely ladies pouring into the X-mansion at once, Remy LeBeau couldn’t help but to graciously introduce himself. Obviously, as soon as he opened his mouth, Tiana instantly recognized a cajun when she heard one. The two burst into their respective Louisianan slang (naturally confusing everyone else in the vicinity), asking questions about each others origins and family history. Just as plans for a full on fish fry and gumbo were being made, Rogue found her way through the fray to see a very rare sight of her love Remy not flirting (for once), but genuinely happy to see someone that reminded him of home. After being introduced, the three swiftly jelled as a unit, all having a familiar southern “chill” about their approach to life. Tiana definitely made her cooking skills known to the team with that fish fry and gumbo. More to come. Peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

El tercer equipo podría convertirse rápidamente en el favorito de muchas personas, ya que no solamente hace un crossover entre Disney y Marvel, sino que hace una mezcla entre lo clásico y lo nuevo, ubicando a la sirenita Ariel, en el mismo plano temporal de Vanellope, ambas acompañadas por la mutante Jubilee, lo cual las convierte en uno de los más peligrosos equipos.


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Another trio for my next team up for my Fan fiction, “X-Men Princesses” featuring Jubilee, Ariel and Vanellope. Being among the youngest of the group, it wasn’t long before the heavy talk shot over the heads of these three. Accustomed to the feeling, Jubilee quickly spotted Vanellope and Ariel and pulled them aside. The only thing that grownups value are results around these parts, so it was up to them to prove their worth as their own covert team. Vanellope was all for this (naturally) and was a whirlwind of ideas and strategies, while Ariel was full of readiness and pride to find like minded ladies. More to come, peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

La siguiente imagen nos presenta al que sería el equipo intelectual de los X-Men, ya que incluye a la princesa Belle, acompañada por el mutante Beast y Shuri, la inteligente hermana de T’Challa, mejor conocido como Black Panther ¿Se imaginan lo que pasaría si estos tres personajes combinan su sabiduría? Seguramente su tecnología los convertiría en peligrosos oponentes.


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Next up for my “X-Men Princesses” lineup is a trio team up composed of like-minded intellectuals. Beast is a veritable wealth of knowledge and brilliance rolled into one furry muscle-filled package, so it’s no mistake that both princesses, Shuri, and Bell hit it off very quickly upon meeting the resident blue-haired genius. With a shared insatiable appetite for literature, Bell and Hank found that they were swift kindred spirits, often glued to multiple books within the extensive school’s library. Shuri’s first request upon arrival to the X-mansion was to visit the science quarters on campus, and was pleasantly impressed to witness the advanced alien Shi’ar technology being managed by Hank alone. The three became inseparable and often expected to know of the whereabouts of each other if seen wandering solo around campus. More to come, peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

Mulan y Psylocke, conforman el siguiente equipo, y sólo basta mirar la imagen para darnos cuenta de que este es uno de los dúos más letales que podrían existir sí alguna vez se mezclaran ambos universos.

Otro de los dúos más peligrosos de este universo lo conformarían Wolverine y Rapunzel, mientras una podría maniatar a sus enemigos con su peligrosa cabellera, Wolverine podría atravesarlos fácilmente con sus garras mientras se encuentran en ese estado, lo que da como resultado uno de los equipos más poderosos.

¿Qué pasaría si el poder de la naturaleza se combinara con los espíritus que rigen a esta? La respuesta nos la da el siguiente equipo, el cual junta a la princesa Pocahontas, con la poderosa Storm, seguramente nadie va querer interponerse en el camino de estas peligrosas heroínas.


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I remember watching Frozen with my kids when it came out in theaters and saying to myself, ‘so…Elsa is pretty much an ice wielding mutant’. Seeing as how Disney now owns the rights to the X-Men, it’s only natural that some of the more “magically” adept Disney princesses would pull a crossover with the famed team of mutants…eventually. Well you know I can’t wait for them to do that officially so… yeah… I’m dropping my team ups of X-Men & Disney Princesses with a poster collection entitled “X-Men Princesses”. 1st up is none other than the Omega level weather goddess herself, Storm, and the incomparable painter of colorful winds, Pocahontas. More on the way. Peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

Y finalmente Iceman se alía con Elsa, en esta última imagen ¿Se imaginan ver a la reina de hielo combatiendo a lado del mutante Iceman? Seguramente el invierno estaría de regreso.


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Next up for my “X-Men Princesses” team ups are the King and Queen of cold, Iceman and Elsa. This duo found little issue with bonding after their initial introduction. Within minutes after a few impressive displays of their powers, the two were engrossed in exchanging the finer details of their craft with one another. Being cold can be lonely in a world of warm inhabitants. Elsa was able to share new ice formation techniques with Bobby that he’d never tried, and before long Bobby was teaching Elsa how to hurl herself around on ice slides. Neither of the two had smiled so much in a long time. More to come, peace ya’ll. #MarcusTheVisual #XMen #DisneyPrincesses

Una publicación compartida por Marcus Williams (@marcusthevisual) el

Aunque únicamente se trate de un Fan Art en el que las princesas Disney entran al universo marvel, la realidad es que Disney podría realizar algo similar ahora que es dueño de Marvel y de los X-Men, seguramente a más de uno le gustaría ver a estas princesas combatiendo a lado de estos personajes en una historia con un argumento serio.